Toyota Settles – Will Pay for Rust Frame Replacements!
The arduous journey of Tacoma owners facing the notorious frame rust recall may finally be reaching its resolution. A recent court agreement promises to bring much-needed relief to many, including myself, who’ve grappled with this persistent issue.
“Toyota Motor Corp has agreed to a settlement of up to $3.4 billion for a federal class action brought by U.S. owners of pickup trucks and SUVs whose frames could rust through, plaintiffs lawyers have said in court papers.” – Reuters
According to a report by Reuters, Toyota Motor Corp has reached a settlement in a federal class action lawsuit brought forth by U.S. owners of pickup trucks and SUVs. This agreement, amounting up to $3.4 billion, is poised to address vehicles suffering from the persistent issue of frame rust-through.
The Scope and Hope of the Settlement
The settlement covers specific models and years including Tacoma trucks from 2005 to 2010, Sequoias from 2005 to 2008, and Tundras from 2007 and 2008. The hope is that this arrangement will alleviate the headaches that many Tacoma owners, including myself, have experienced. The pivotal question remains: Will this settlement cover the full cost and spare others the ordeal I’ve chronicled here?
For complete details of the class action and Toyota Frame Settlement, visit

Hi Dan,
I brought my 2005 Tacoma to dealer for inspection yesterday. The frame failed inspection as anticipated (I knew the frame had really bad rusts near the catalytic converters). Look like they are trying to scam me. They told me I have to pay for parts that gets damaged or broken during the frame replacement process. I did not agree. They say, they’ll try their best not to damage it and worry about it when the time come. Checking the documents from the Court order, it said: “……With respect to all Subject Vehicles, If any perforation in the frame is found to be 10 mm or larger, then the frame will be replaced, as well as all applicable parts and service items incidental to frame replacement, such as cables, harnesses, pipes, clamps, tubes, hoses, spare tire carrier, spare tire carrier plate, bolts, brackets, and wires and all fluids will be replaced, as required.” — I’m gonna have to stand my ground and hope I won’t have to go through the same nightmare you went through. I also contacted the lawyers office that handled the class action. Hope they can give me advice regarding my rights — Thanks for your website and posts. The info is helpful and “re-assuring” !