The Toyota Tacoma Frame Rust Recall: A Negotiation with No End in Sight

My journey with the Toyota Tacoma frame rust recall is still unfolding, and there’s some good news (of sorts) to share. After whittling down from a staggering $5300+ quote, we’re now looking at a comparatively more palatable $1500 – all for a recall on a frame damaged by excessive rust.

Toyota Tacoma Problems

A Potential Resolution?

In an attempt to resolve the matter, I reached out to the dealership and proposed we split the difference. For a fair $750, we could agree on the costs, get the work done, and everyone wins. I get my truck back, the dealership frees up some space, and Toyota gets to appease an irate customer. Sounds like a win-win situation, right?

Split The Difference || Tacoma Problems Toyota Automobile

However, my proposed solution was quickly dismissed. “The $1500 is the total cost for parts, and those aren’t even at retail; they’re at Toyota’s cost,” they said.

The Real Costs

Unsatisfied with the abrupt dismissal, I insisted on receiving a detailed parts list of what I was expected to cover. Surprisingly, I was told, “No, we’re done with email. It’ll end up on the website.”

I managed to find a ride down to the dealership during my lunch break to pick up the quote. But lo and behold, the total was no longer $1500 – it had mysteriously risen to $1643.30! That includes $962.28 for parts and a jaw-dropping $592.60 for four hours of labor.

The Truth Uncovered

Diving deeper, I found that even the parts costs were misleading. I discovered I could order these same parts online and have them shipped to the dealership at a cheaper rate than quoted.

So, here I stand again, attempting to bridge the gap. Toyota, I am ready to meet you halfway with a fair $316.50. Will this saga finally find its resolution?

Toyota Tacoma Problems Dealer Price Difference